It’s been a long day.....

It’s been a really long time. I said I would try to keep this weekly, but it’s been almost two months. I apologise if you’ve been waiting for my weekly blog. Hopefully now since I’ve finished all my major assignments, I can get back on track with my blog. The reason why I’ve been away from blogging is that I’ve been really busy. I’m a really bad multitasker, however I have a excuse. So as I mentioned earlier I’m in my last semester of teaching and pretty much the whole two months I’ve been at prac. This led me to focus all my time and effort on my teaching and assignments. However, because of this I haven’t really been communicating with friends nor had the quite times with God, which in result I’ve kinda been in a rough place. But now, since I’ve finished and hopefully passed everything- I can go back to doing the things I was doing before. Through this experience, I believe that God reveals himself in many ways and reflecting now, in times of busyiness, really showed my attitu...