The old is gone the new has come

This week I wanted to share what I've been learning in community group this year so far. Community group is a weekly meeting gathering with fellow members of the church. We read the bible, discuss what we read, eat and sing songs = fellowship. We'll looking at the gospel of Mark which is also the sermon series were looking at on Sundays. So I guess its quite important to attend both cg (community group) and church. I wanted to share two points from what I've learnt over the last two weeks both in discussion and sermon talks. 1. God mission As you know there are four gospel accounts in the bible- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (there were probably more eye witness accounts, but these four were the most 'famous' that recounts the life of Jesus). All the gospels include many of the same stories and are in similar sequence and have identical words, but like every human beings- who you are will determine how you approach and documents things. There is so much inform...