Monday 10th of August, 2020 Currently I'm reading this bible devotion with my triplet called "God of Creation" and so far it's been a great series. The planner goes for 11 days, at the moment I'm on day 3, but behind 2 days... I just wanted to share it because these last couple days has been quite distressing and gloomy (not sure what words to say, I'll let you judge). I don't know if you've heard the news about a school in the north-west that has had two students contacted with covid. Well.. the school is actually the sister school of Redfield College (my school) and these last 24 hours has been unstop, the emails from concerning families, the staff not knowing what to do in regards of this situation- do we listen to the AIS (educational department for independant school) or the Health of NSW. Right now feels like a battle against the students education vs students health. We were advise to get tested, which I did this morning at St George Hospital. ...