
Showing posts from June, 2020

Is it weird to say that you like your job?

Is it weird to say that you like your job? This is my first year of full time work and even though it's been 6 months at the job, part of me inside says that I cannot wait to work tomorrow and yes.. tomorrow meaning Monday. However, the journey to where I am today wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. Currently, I'm a primary teacher teaching Year 4 up North-West of Sydney. No I didn't choose to be where I am, nor did I have a choice where I wanted to work. Yes it was a hard choice to make, but in my situation anything was something. Looking at where I am now, I can say that I'm blessed to have a stable income despite what's going on right now. I graduated around 2 years ago (2018) at WSU (Western Sydney University) and once I finished, it was a immense struggle to find work. I finished at an awkward time in July because the intake of teachers during the school holidays was impossible. In addition, I didn't have not much experience, only from two practic...


You might be wondering why I have all of a sudden returned to writing on my blog and have shared it with pretty much all my 'Facebook friends'. Essentially I wanted to keep a record of all my notes from a number of events, church services, thoughts etc. And if you're like me, there’s a shelf full of sermon notes and pretty much all it's doing is collecting dust... so I thought keeping a diary with me would solve the problem! The diary started out well (because as you know I like to keep things organised and neat) but I sometimes still had to write things on my lap because at things like conference events I would forget to bring it... so that didn't work. Then in 2018 I had the thought to type up a post, at first not a blog but something I could type and keep on my computer. Thank you TECHNOLOGY! Something technology is good and useful for!! Anyways I wanted the 'blog' low-key because it was just a way I could store my notes & things I've felt...

Relationship Goals

To be honest I wasn't really sure what I wanted to focus this blog on – currently I've been typing up the thoughts from my week and the things I've been learning (whether it's an encouragement from a person or something from yesterday's sermon). As you've been reading, most of my blog posts are just trains of thoughts from my week, ideas/concepts found in the bible, and answers to certain questions of life – especially questioning the things I'm searching for in life. However, there is something that I would like to address and it has been something on the forefront of my mind for a while. It's a concept or notion (I have no idea how to express it), a word that speaks for many and has a lot of connotations good or bad. That notion is relationships or love .  Normally I would find a renowned quote from a random that I would find on the net or use a well-known definition of the word relationships or love . But as I'm writing I would like...

Quarter Life Crisis + 1

It has literally been two years since I've posted my first blog. Two years later and nothing has changed... only that I'm now supposedly be experiencing my quarter life crisis? Actually I'm 26 this year and I know that many are probably in the same boat as me. If you're younger you're lucky, grab some sheets of paper and a pen and write this down. Hopefully, you'll find some helpful tips so that you may avoid this period of your life. I'm just joking, jokes aside..... no I'm not. The sad truth is that all humans sometime in their life will experience this. Here is a helpful definition I've found that explains what is quarter life crisis.  Quoted by Jules Schroeder says that Quarter life crisis is a period of intense soul- searching and stress occurring in your mid 20's to early 30's, typically because you fell you're not achieving your full potential or are falling behind. Soul- searching and stress, or in other words a...