Is it weird to say that you like your job?
Is it weird to say that you like your job? This is my first year of full time work and even though it's been 6 months at the job, part of me inside says that I cannot wait to work tomorrow and yes.. tomorrow meaning Monday. However, the journey to where I am today wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. Currently, I'm a primary teacher teaching Year 4 up North-West of Sydney. No I didn't choose to be where I am, nor did I have a choice where I wanted to work. Yes it was a hard choice to make, but in my situation anything was something. Looking at where I am now, I can say that I'm blessed to have a stable income despite what's going on right now. I graduated around 2 years ago (2018) at WSU (Western Sydney University) and once I finished, it was a immense struggle to find work. I finished at an awkward time in July because the intake of teachers during the school holidays was impossible. In addition, I didn't have not much experience, only from two practic...