Is it weird to say that you like your job?
Is it weird to say that you like your job?
This is my first year of full time work and even though it's been 6 months at the job, part of me inside says that I cannot wait to work tomorrow and yes.. tomorrow meaning Monday. However, the journey to where I am today wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. Currently, I'm a primary teacher teaching Year 4 up North-West of Sydney.
No I didn't choose to be where I am, nor did I have a choice where I wanted to work. Yes it was a hard choice to make, but in my situation anything was something. Looking at where I am now, I can say that I'm blessed to have a stable income despite what's going on right now.
I graduated around 2 years ago (2018) at WSU (Western Sydney University) and once I finished, it was a immense struggle to find work. I finished at an awkward time in July because the intake of teachers during the school holidays was impossible. In addition, I didn't have not much experience, only from two practicums and teaching at Sunday school. I didn't really have a edge in securing a job.
Everyday I would try to drop my CV to local schools around my area, apply myself on the teaching app (classcover, which is such a dodgy app), join facebook groups to see if there would be work- there were a few casual position but I'd be travelling across NSW (places that I've never heard of). I seemed very helpless, I wasn't in control of my life. However, I was lucky enough to still have my hospitality job as I was waiting and waiting and waiting.... for a call or even an email.
Still no luck... a couple months later... a friend of mines dad who works as an accountant at a school, told me they're looking to fill their casual list.... I sent my CV and a week later, we talked, walked around the school and nek minit, I hit my first teaching job as a casual. I was over the moon, the pay was amazing, the school, students and teacher were very nice. However..... if you know anything about causal teaching jobs... even though the money was great... I was relying my schedule everyday, specifically every morning at 6:30am for a phone call if I was needed. At the start I was excited, however some days I would only get called once a week, sometimes on a good week 3-4. But some weeks I wouldn't even get called..... It was hard because at the same time I still rostered to work at my hospitality job. One day I was rostered to work at the hotel, since I knew I wouldn't get called from the school I thought what could the chance be to get called.... nek minit 6:30am I get called to work at the school... I had to make a last minute excuse to my boss and lucky because I've been working there since high school, he said it was ok. I couldn't do this for the rest of my life... I had to do something...
Couple months later at the end of the year. There normally was a huge intake of teachers to start at the beginning of the year. I again applied near my area and even at my old primary/ high school. I even asked at my school where I was working casually if there were any positions. Still no luck..... it was really difficult to balance my life- I didn't have a stable income, stable routine or stable working life. It was hard....
Later a friend showed me a teaching agency that recruits new grads or any teachers looking for a full time/ part time work. I was fortunate enough to have met a wonderful recruitment lady, she looked after me, constantly emailing me different schools, calling to see how I was going. Soon later, I got my first full time job, even it was a temporary contract for 6 months (I was taking a lady who took maternity leave). I was contemplating about the job at first because one it was an Armenian school (not to be racist, thought I would need to speak it :P) and second it was all the way at Mona Vale (your like, wheres that, go check it for yourself... I know... It's that far). I talked with my rents about this opportunity, I was one year out of uni and still no luck with a full time work, maybe if I waited a couple weeks later maybe I could getting a closer one.... But in the end I realised any job right now is good.
So I started my first full time work as a teacher almost this exact time last year. Long story short... It was the most difficult time in my entire life. I took a kindergarten class, at first meeting them I was.. man there were sooo cute, they can barely walk and those little blazer... naww. However, as you know, looks can be deceiving. I knew why the previous teacher that I took over, not the maternity teacher, but the previous teacher that took her position left (she only worked for less than 3 months). In my mind, I had some idea what I could improve and do differently.
A couple weeks into the job things were working well.. I finally got all their names correct and that was about it. Months in, it all fell apart, I cannot explain how it happened. All I knew I was literally counting the days til I finished this contract...... The kindergartens beat me... not physically... but I wasn't in control. I was literally battling my days, thinking that the next day these kids will rekt me again.
Kindergartens 1 Me 0
I'll share a few memory/ stories, from today I laugh and realise how did these 5 years old made this 25 year old man CRY... ops..... Yes that is true. While the kids were away learning Armenian. I was in my classroom looking at the clock, thinking in my head these kids will be back in 30 minutes...I was preparing for battle. I was for some reason yelling and arguing with 5 years kids. 5 YEAR OLD KIDS!!. I'm like why was I negotiating with a 5 year kid that if he didn't come and listen, he would get no play time. Man... you might be laughing now... but seriously these kids rekt me mentally. I was like, it is a sign from God that teaching is not my thing.
In the end, I came to realise that life is a learning experience, you don't expect to be experts at your job when you walk straight into the building. You learn and for some, you learn the hard way. For me... I definitely learnt the hard way, so much that you question if you really think, is this job for me, or am I in the right career? But I think that's saying that you really care and do take your job seriously. Reflecting to where I started and what I've experienced, has only made my current job better and to learn from your mistakes and try again, to prepare and build up your craft/ expertise. As the semester comes to a close, I hope the next and whatever comes my way will only build and shape what person God wants me to be and I am forever thankfully.
@shoutout to all the kindy teachers, you have my upmost respect. Maybe in the near future, I will return teaching the little ones (insert sarcasm here).
Thanks for sharing this Danny. Often it is so easy to be caught up by all the noise around us, and I think reading yours was like having a chat with you and hearing how things are going for you. Enjoyed hearing your side of the story, thanks man.