Relationship Goals

To be honest I wasn't really sure
what I wanted to focus this blog on – currently I've been typing up the
thoughts from my week and the things I've been learning (whether it's an
encouragement from a person or something from yesterday's sermon). As you've
been reading, most of my blog posts are just trains of thoughts from my week,
ideas/concepts found in the bible, and answers to certain questions of life – especially
questioning the things I'm searching for in life.
However, there is something that I
would like to address and it has been something on the forefront of my mind for
a while. It's a concept or notion (I have no idea how to express it), a word
that speaks for many and has a lot of connotations good or bad. That notion is relationships or love.
Normally I would find a renowned
quote from a random that I would find on the net or use a well-known definition
of the word relationships or love. But as I'm writing I would like
you to find and define for yourself the meaning to these words. For some
structure, I'm going to look at two things: first I'll be explaining from my
own personal life on love, and second what the bible says about love.
You might be thinking why I put relationships
and love together? It's not because I'm going to explain both notions
separately or explaining which is better etc, but rather because I feel that both
are needed for both notions to work harmoniously. In simple terms, they both
need each other to function and work properly. For example, to love someone (or
at least, to love someone well!) you need to get to know that person: finding
similar interests, dislikes… there needs to be some sort of compatibility. You
won't know these things if you're not in some sort of relationship; getting to
know that person. However, you might be wondering if you can be in a
relationship but have no sense of love?? And whilst that could be true, once you've
found that you share similar interests and gotten to know who that person really
is deep inside, they probably wouldn't be someone that you're going to be compatible
Getting that out of the way, my own
personal life. You might be thinking, “this Danny Zhang guy, he's really an
awesome man, he's so nice, every girl would want to have Danny Zhang”. Funnily
enough, for my whole entire adolescence life I've never dated, never been in a
relationship, and from this day I've still haven't. “WHAT! Really? But Danny
Zhang is such an awesome dude, why wouldn't you?” Would you like to know why? I'm
sure you're dying to know.... and here's why...... you’ll find out next week!
Jokes aside, back to serious mode.
The reason why I haven't been in a relationship is because I don't need
to be in one. This is where what I say can be dangerous: I'm not saying that “because
I didn’t need one, it also meant that I didn’t desire to have one”
– there were actually times where I did want one, but in the season of life
and God's timing it didn't work out. Also, I get anxiety about that too. But anyways
back to the subject – the reason why I didn't is because essentially I was selfish,
self-absorbed, and as people know you need to be selfless for the other person
you're looking for. And I wasn't ready....
On another note, I give thanks to
God everyday because at the same time the reason why I don't need to seek love
is because I get it already from my family. I don't want to get into the
details of why my family loves me LOL but for those who know my family already,
you might know why :)
An older brother told me this about
love. The reason why people search for / have a longing for love or why they
want to be in a relationship is for two reasons:
1. Family
As I’ve already mentioned the
reason I don't need to search for love is because I'm blessed to be in a family
where I am loved! I feel secure, treasured, cared for, and know that at
the end of the day whether I've punched my brother in the face or yelled at my
parents, they will still love me, unconditionally. And I'm sorry if you don't
have this same experience, but I feel that if love isn't found in the family at
home first, the result will be you searching for it somewhere else – whether it
be in your friends, girlfriend/boyfriend and the list goes on.
2. Loneliness
Which leads to the second reason:
loneliness. Brothers and Sisters, love doesn't cure the root of loneliness,
remembering what I mentioned about love earlier. Loneliness is searching for
something to be dependent on – so rather than solving it, it may burden the
other person on the receiving end. If you’re feeling lonely, especially during
this time of COVID (or whatever situation you're in) I encourage you to speak
up and talk to someone because it only takes a friend to listen and care for
you and even pray for you too.
So then, what does the bible say about
love? Instead of writing an essay about the love of God, I will end with
a reflection on God's love and how I've been impacted by that. You could write
an entire theological essay about this topic – which I don't want to do – but hopefully
as you read and mediate on this, I hope these words and scripture will present
how I've personally been impacted and felt the love of God and why it is
something I am continuing to pursue – what it means and looks like to love God
with all your heart, soul and mind.
“The world was never an enemy to be
conquered by us. It is a battleground to be filled and loved. The world is
occupied territory because we, its conquerors through Christ, occupy it.
we worship God amidst the world, we are proclaiming love and order in the
middle of fear and chaos. When we love others the same way Christ loved us, we
are declaring victory over hatred. We do all this by faith in Jesus. That is
our victory.
is a victorious warrior. Only the victorious freely worship and find rest in Him.”
"Everyone who
believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the
father loves his child as well. This is how we know
that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.
In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his
commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God
overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our
faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one
who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” 1 John 5:1-5
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